Tuesday 24 May, 2011

Medical Diagnostics

Diagnosis in Medicine may be defined as "the recognition of a disease or condition by its outward signs and symptoms and the analysis of the underlying physiological/biochemical cause(s) of a disease or condition". Medical dignosis is the process of identifying a medical condition or disease by its signs, symptoms, and from the results of various diagnostic procedures. The conclusion reached through this process is called a diagnosis. The term "diagnostic criteria" designates the combination of signs, symptoms, and test results that allows the doctor to ascertain the diagnosis of the respective disease.

The physician typically tries to get information from patient about his/her present condition, history of the patient's illness and then physically examine him for signs of disease. The physician will formulate a hypothesis of likely diagnoses and in many cases will obtain further testing to confirm or clarify the diagnosis before providing treatment. Medical tests commonly performed are measuring blood pressure, checking the pulse rate, listening to the heart with a stethoscope, urine tests, fecal tests, saliva tests, blood tests, medical imaging, electrocardiogram, and occasionally biopsy. It is important not only to diagnose the disease but the cause of the disease. Advances in medicine helps us to find out the root cause as authentic cures can be obtained by correcting the causal abnormalities. If causalities are assumed to be unknown, then palliative treatments to reduce symptoms are the best treatments possible.
To Know more about Medical Diagnostics Click here
Medical Diagnostics

Monday 23 May, 2011

Plane Geometry

The world is built of shape and space, and geometry is its mathematics. Geometry, branch of mathematics, is the study of the size, shape and position of 2 dimensional shapes and 3 dimensional figures. However, geometry is used daily by almost everyone.

Geometry in nature is everywhere, for example: proportions of the human body, shape of a shell and so on. Not only in nature, geometry is found everywhere: in art, architecture, engineering, robotics, land surveys, astronomy and much more.

In geometry, one explores spatial sense and geometric reasoning. When taking geometry, spatial reasoning and problem solving skills will be developed.

Geometry is linked to many other topics in math, specifically measurement. In the early years of geometry the focus tends to be on shapes and solids, then moves to properties and relationships of shapes and solids and as abstract thinking progresses, geometry becomes much more about analysis and reasoning.
For More Information Visit wonderwhizkids

Plane Geometry

Properties of Matter

It had taken our species millions of years to build an airplane that flew like a bird. The historic flight of Wright brothers lifted into the air at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, USA, on December 17, 1903, at 10:35 A.M.

It was the first time a self–powered airplane, controlled by a human, had flown for any significant amount of time. Amazingly, however, once we had learned how exactly airplanes flew, it took us only fifty years to build a space craft. The credit goes to Daniel Bernoulli, whose seminal work in hydrodynamics enabled Zhukovsky and others to get us off the ground.

Daniel Bernoulli's discovery also led to the invention of Sphygmomanometer, the painless, inflatable Blood pressure measuring device which we are familiar with, by an Italian doctor Scipione Riva – Rocci in 1896.

The contributions of great scientists–Archimedes, Robert Boyle, Blaise Pascal, Leonardo da Vinci changed the world we live. Let's understand the laws that govern the behavior of matter in all its states – solids, liquids and gases and their effects on the environment.

Chemical Reactions

Nature is wonderful and fascinating. If we can understand the Chemistry that is happening underneath all that you see, smell or taste, it is even more fascinating.

The colors and the smells of nature bring subtle messages of infinite variety. The basis for all this variety is the myriad transformations at the molecular level. A firefly emits light due to a chemical reaction in which a compound called luciferin is converted to oxyluciferin. The flavour of vanilla, for example is perceived when the compound, vanillin is absorbed by the sensory organs. The flavour of chocolate is based on not just one but a wide assortment of carbon based molecules, significant one being tetramethylpylazine, which has a ring of nitrogen and carbon atoms attached in a particular fashion.

Life on Earth would not have evolved but for photosynthesis in plants. Photosynthesis is a chemical reaction by which plants are able to convert carbon dioxide and water into sugar and oxygen in presence of sunlight. So, to appreciate and understand the world around us, it is essential to understand the laws that govern the innumerable possible combinations of the basic elements of nature.

Tuesday 17 May, 2011

Chemical Reactions

Nature is wonderful and fascinating. If we can understand the Chemistry that is happening underneath all that you see, smell or taste, it is even more fascinating.

The colors and the smells of nature bring subtle messages of infinite variety. The basis for all this variety is the myriad transformations at the molecular level. A firefly emits light due to a chemical reaction in which a compound called luciferin is converted to oxyluciferin. The flavour of vanilla, for example is perceived when the compound, vanillin is absorbed by the sensory organs. The flavour of chocolate is based on not just one but a wide assortment of carbon based molecules, significant one being tetramethylpylazine, which has a ring of nitrogen and carbon atoms attached in a particular fashion.

Life on Earth would not have evolved but for photosynthesis in plants. Photosynthesis is a chemical reaction by which plants are able to convert carbon dioxide and water into sugar and oxygen in presence of sunlight. So, to appreciate and understand the world around us, it is essential to understand the laws that govern the innumerable possible combinations of the basic elements of nature.

Chemical Reactions Online | Home School Online Science Library - Chemical Reactions

Monday 16 May, 2011


Statistics is a mathematical science which deals with the collection, analysis, interpretation or explanation, and presentation of data. In ancient times, the government used to collect the information regarding the ‘population’ and ‘property or wealth’ of the country – the former enabling the government to have an idea of the manpower of the country (to safeguard itself against external aggression, if any), and the latter providing it a basis for introducing new taxes and levies.
Statistics provides tools for prediction and forecasting based on data. It is applicable to a wide variety of academic disciplines, from the natural and social sciences to the humanities, government and business. Statistics plays an important role in business, because it provides the quantitative basis for arriving at decisions in all matters. All types of banks make use of statistics for a number of purposes. Statistics has proved to be of immense use in physics and chemistry. It has given a new understanding to the essential qualities of the laws of nature.

For More information on Statistics Visit our Home Science Library Wonderwhizkids/Maths/Statistics